The HOPE fund provides financial assistance to Pikes Peak Christian School students and families who are faced with a significant life crisis or tragedy in order help them:
Pay tuition and tuition related fees
Pay for student participation in extracurricular activities at PPCS
Pay for lunch program and other school-related costs
Be encouraged in a time of need
In 2014 this fund was created in loving memory and honor of Hope Evans, a devoted mother and wife, who invested much of her energy and passion into volunteering at PPCS to make it a better place. Hope continued her dedicated service throughout many challenges and crises she and her family faced over the years. Her love for students and Christian education lives on through this fund, in providing financial help and loving hope to those who face difficult life circumstances.
Individual donations and PPCS designated fundraising events will provide the monies for this fund. All individual donations will be eligible as tax exempt. Donations and raised funds will be placed in a designated PPCS account. The School Director and School Board will oversee the assigning of funds to families in need. One hundred percent of donated/raised funds will be used for assisting families. With every amount disbursed, the receiving family will receive information on the history and purpose of the HOPE fund.
Or you can make checks out to “PPCS” and in the memo line write “HOPE fund”.