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Immunization Requirements 2024-2025 School Year



Colorado law requires students who attend a licensed preschool program to be vaccinated against many of the diseases which vaccines can prevent unless an exemption is filed.
For more details, please read the following parent letter from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment:


Colorado law requires students who attend a public, private, or parochial kindergarten - 12th grade school to be vaccinated against many of the diseases vaccines can prevent, unless a certificate of exemption is filed.
For more details, please read the following parent letter from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment:

Exemption Information

Recent Colorado law requires different exemption forms or processes for a medical versus a non-medical exemption. PPCS needs a signed exemption form or certificate of exemption on file. 
For more details, please visit the following site at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment:

Immunization Exemptions CDPHE