(Tuition Reduction Program)
what is RaiseRight ?
RaiseRight is our Tuition Reduction Incentive Program via SCRIP = “substitute money”. It is a program that is designed to put money back into education through the purchase of gift cards and certificates. You can use to purchase everyday expenses like food, gas, clothing, home repair, and other essentials and with every card/certificate purchase you can receive credits toward your tuition.
How does RaiseRight generate revenue?
PPCS, in partnership with Raise Right, will make available to your family a variety of restaurants, department stores and other retailers. Because RaiseRight is purchased up front, the participating retailers offer a substantial rebate to PPCS. PPCS in turn passes on 80% of the rebate to your family in the way of a tuition reduction. The remaining 20% is used for administrative costs of the program. Raise Right rebate increments will vary by retailer. RaiseRight distributions will occur monthly.
How do I participate in Raiseright?
First you must enroll in the program at and sign up using a credit card or bank account. The PPCS enrollment code is available in the front office. Then you must complete the PPCS RAISERIGHT Registration Form and turn it in to the School Office.
When and where can I place my order?
All orders can be placed online at or RaiseRight (mobile app). Orders can be placed at anytime. Use your smart phone or email to retrieve your gift cards instantly! Physical card orders are currently being processed every Friday. Please have orders submitted by 12:30pm. Physical cards are available for pick up the following Thursday after 11:00am in the school office.
How can I further decrease my tuition through RaiseRight?
Inform members of your extended family of the program. They must complete all of the registration process and understand and follow the policies of PPCS TRIP.
I don’t have a current PPCS student. Can I still help the school and participate in this program?
YES! You have the option to designate your rebates to another current PPCS student, future PPCS student or the General Tuition Fund. You may even designate to more than one student/family.
Important Links and Documents for raiseright:
Need help? Have more questions? Contact our front office at (719) 598-8610