Employment Opportunities
The following job openings are available (* new posting):
*PreSchool Teacher – click for compensation, benefits, and job description
- Part-Time (M-F, 20 hours/ week), salaried position
- PreKindergarten Classroom Teacher for 4-year-old students.
- Elementary Education Degree and/or State of Colorado Early Childhood certified (COEC site for Early Childhood)
- Applications and resumes may be emailed to Pikes Peak Christian School via the Employment Inquiry below. To send by mail: PPCS, Attn. Ms. Cindy Whitney, 5905 Flintridge Drive, Colorado Springs, CO. 80918. Please direct phone inquiries to Ms. Cindy Whitney at 719-598-8610.
*Elementary Classroom Teacher -click for compensation, benefits, and job description
- Full-time, salaried positions available
- 5th Grade position available
- Elementary Education Degree with State or ACSI Certification required
- Previous Elementary teaching and individualized reading group experience important
- Familiarity with ABeka curriculum preferred
- Applications and resumes may be emailed to Pikes Peak Christian School via the Employment Inquiry below. To send by mail: PPCS, Attn. Mrs. Sheryl Nordberg, 5905 Flintridge Drive, Colorado Springs, CO. 80918. Please direct phone inquiries to Mrs. Sheryl Nordberg at 719-598-8610.
*Middle/High School
*6th Grade Social Studies & English Teacher - click for compensation, benefits, and job description
- Full time position, salaried position
- Instruction of 6th grade Social Studies (Geography), English classes, and elective(s) as needed.
- Social Studies, English or related degree required
- Teaching degree or previous experience preferred
- State and/or ACSI certification encouraged
- Applications and resumes may be emailed to Pikes Peak Christian School via the Employment Inquiry below. To send by mail: PPCS, Attn. Mr. Phil Euken, 5905 Flintridge Drive, Colorado Springs, CO. 80918. Please direct phone inquiries to Mr. Phil Euken at 719-598-8610.
*Middle School Science Teacher - click for compensation, benefits, and job description
- Full-time position, salaried position
- Instruction of 7th - 8th grade science classes, and elective(s).
- Science or related degree required
- Teaching degree or previous experience preferred
- State and/or ACSI certification encouraged
- Applications and resumes may be emailed to Pikes Peak Christian School via the Employment Inquiry below. To send by mail: PPCS, Attn. Mr. Phil Euken, 5905 Flintridge Drive, Colorado Springs, CO. 80918. Please direct phone inquiries to Mr. Phil Euken at 719-598-8610.
*High School Life Science Teacher - click for compensation, benefits, and job description
- Part-Time or Full time, salaried position
- Instruction of 10th-12th grade Life Sciences (Biology, Botany/Zoology, Anatomy/Physiology)
- full-time includes elective classes
- Science or related degree required
- Teaching degree or previous experience preferred
- State and/or ACSI certification encouraged
- Applications and resumes may be emailed to Pikes Peak Christian School via the Employment Inquiry below. To send by mail: PPCS, Attn. Mr. Matt Johns, 5905 Flintridge Drive, Colorado Springs, CO. 80918. Please direct phone inquiries to Mr. Matt Johns at 719-598-8610.
Bus Drivers for MS/HS Athletic Events
- Part-time on an as-needed basis
- away games usually on weekday afternoons and evenings (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) and some Saturdays
- basic per trip stipend of $50 -$125 based on distance
- CDL for passenger bus required, or willingness to be trained and earn CDL (funded by PPCS).
- Interest may be emailed to Pikes Peak Christian School via the Employment Inquiry below. Please direct phone inquiries to Mr. Phil Euken at 719-598-8610.
Application Information
Teacher/Admin Application (pdf)